April 6, 2020

KGSt and Polyteia develop joint data model for personnel management in crisis situations

KGSt and Polyteia use a practical example to show what a data model for the staff planning of priority services of a municipality can look like in the event of a pandemic.

KGSt and Polyteia develop joint data model for personnel management in crisis situations

KGSt and Polyteia use a practical example to show what a data model for the staff planning of priority services of a municipality can look like in the event of a pandemic. The evaluation of data from specialized procedures in connection with the prioritization of processes or services makes it possible to maintain the functionality of the administration and to act effectively.

To derive the greatest possible benefit from administrative data generated in processes, data fields must be standardized. This also makes key figures comparable across municipalities. A framework for administrative data could set a standard here, despite the heterogeneity of specialized procedures, users and approaches.

You can find the KGSt thought provoking here.

Coverage of the KGSt thought-provoking event:
Tagesspiegel Background

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