April 3, 2019

Digital State" conference in Berlin with Polyteia in trade exhibition

On April 02 and 03, Polyteia participated with a booth at the conference "Digitaler Staat" of Behördenspiegel at the event center KOSMOS Berlin.

Digital State" conference in Berlin with Polyteia in trade exhibition

On April 02 and 03, Polyteia participated with a booth at the conference "Digitaler Staat" of Behördenspiegel at the event center KOSMOS Berlin. The event brings together decision makers and experts from politics, administration, science and economy and covers all topics around the challenges of digitalization of all administrative levels. In addition to federal authorities and agencies as well as companies, foundations and associations, digitization-savvy municipalities also visited the fair to learn about the latest developments and solutions.

As part of the trade exhibition, Polyteia presented the current status of its control platform and sought discussions with interested conference visitors. The product module child day care as well as the prototypes of the modules demography, school and personnel met with great interest.

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