May 27, 2019

Polyteia founder on panel with chief data officer of city of Los Angeles

The Austrian startup platform Pioneers brings the European and global GovTech scene together annually in Vienna. This year's GovTech.Pioneers conference focused on digital technologies used in the public sector to help the state fulfill its tasks. At the conference, participants discussed current trends and developments in this area in a variety of formats.

Polyteia founder on panel with chief data officer of city of Los Angeles

The Austrian startup platform Pioneers brings the European and global GovTech scene together annually in Vienna. This year's GovTech.Pioneers conference focused on digital technologies used in the public sector to help the state fulfill its tasks. At the conference, participants discussed current trends and developments in this area in a variety of formats.

Faruk Tuncer, founder and CEO of Polyteia, was invited to speak on a panel with Sari Ladin-Sienne, Chief Data Officer of the City of Los Angeles, on the topic of data use in cities. Sari Ladin-Sienne first introduced the data strategy of Los Angeles, before Faruk Tuncer reported on the state of affairs and experiences in Germany. Both panelists agreed that the technological challenges could be overcome. The real challenge lies in the change in mentality within the administration that modern technologies bring with them. Administrative employees must be actively involved in the digitization processes. At the same time, silo thinking must be eliminated. 

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