November 26, 2020

Polyteia founder discusses practical examples of successful data use at KGSt's Digital Community Congress

Together with Marc Groß, head of the program area Organization and Information Management at KGSt, Polyteia founder Faruk Tuncer moderated the 26.

Polyteia founder discusses practical examples of successful data use at KGSt's Digital Community Congress

Together with Marc Groß, Program Area Manager Organizational and Information Management at KGSt, Polyteia founder Faruk Tuncer moderated the workshop Data, Data, Data at the completely virtual congress "Digitale Kommune Unplugged" from the RheinEnergieStadion in Cologne on November 26.

Workshop participants included speakers from the cities of Goslar, Ulm and the district of Pinneberg, who presented exciting examples of municipal data use that are already in use. Oliver Kasties, Head of Central Services at the City of Goslar, gave a live tour of the Polyteia personnel module, among other things, which Goslar has used to put personnel management and reporting for the city council on a new footing.

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