November 14, 2019

Polyteia Founders on Panel with Serbian Prime Minister at GovTech Summit

KGSt and Polyteia use a practical example to show how a data model for the staff planning of priority services of a municipality can look in the event of a pandemic.

Polyteia Founders on Panel with Serbian Prime Minister at GovTech Summit

KGSt and Polyteia use a practical example to show what a data model for the staff planning of priority services of a municipality can look like in the event of a pandemic. The evaluation of data from specialized procedures in connection with the prioritization of processes or services makes it possible to maintain the functionality of the administration and to act effectively.

On November 14, the GovTech Summit took place in Paris. The event, which took place this year at the Palais Brongniart, the headquarters of the Paris Stock Exchange, brings together representatives of the administrations of European countries with the GovTech scene. The Summit was created and organized by the GovTech venture firm PUBLIC with the aim of bundling and networking Europe's potential and players in this field. Polyteia's founder and CEO Faruk Tuncer sat on a panel together with Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabić, Greek Digital Minister Kyriakos Pierrakakis and Leipzig's Administrative Mayor Ulrich Hörning, who addressed the question of what conditions could help the European GovTech movement achieve sustainable success. Among other things, the discussion focused on the question of whether current procurement regulations were slowing down innovation and how the state, as a contracting authority, should help startups to develop new digital solutions for the administration.

Both on the panel and in other formats of the GovTech Summit, it was emphasized that Europe's strength could lie in offering an innovative GovTech scene in the numerous European countries a wide range of use cases and potential customers. In the foyer of the exchange, providers from various countries also had the opportunity to present their solutions and products.

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