May 16, 2019

Polyteia presents new functions at the "Artificial Intelligence - Speed Dating" in the Bundestag

On May 15, the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, together with Bitkom, the German AI Association and the German Startups Association, invited members of the Bundestag to a "speed dating" event on the topic of artificial intelligence.

Polyteia presents new functions at the "Artificial Intelligence - Speed Dating" in the Bundestag

On May 15, the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, together with Bitkom, the German AI Association and the German Startups Association, invited members of the Bundestag to a "speed dating" event on the topic of artificial intelligence. Seven companies and research institutions working with and on artificial intelligence were invited as discussion partners. After introductory words from the hosts, the participants were each able to spend 15 minutes at a booth in small groups to learn about the various possible applications of artificial intelligence. 

Polyteia presented the intelligent control platform for cities and municipalities to the delegates. Faruk Tuncer, CEO of Polyteia, explained in which areas the company is already using artificial intelligence. For example, municipal data located in raw analog documents is already being brought into the platform through image recognition processes. 

At the same time, Polyteia is also testing various possible applications for Natural Language Processing. For example, text modules that regularly occur in reports and describe graphs and visualizations in a value-free manner can be created automatically. This saves the responsible clerks a lot of time and allows them to concentrate on the qualitative evaluation and classification of the visualized data.

Among the audience were CDU/CSU parliamentary party leader Ralph Brinkhaus, former Federal Minister of the Interior Thomas de Maiziére, and deputy parliamentary party leader Nadine Schön. Like many members of parliament, all three asked questions about how Polyteia works for municipalities and about a possible application at the state and federal level.

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