April 28, 2021

Polyteia supports Schleswig-Holstein in Corona crisis management

Whether incidence values, case numbers or R-values - a proper data basis is elementary for the management of the Corona pandemic.

Polyteia supports Schleswig-Holstein in Corona crisis management

Whether incidence values, case numbers or R-values - a proper data basis is elementary for the management of the Corona pandemic. In most cases, however, data are scattered in silos, making it much more difficult to assess the crisis situation on the ground on a daily basis. This also applies to the education sector. In Schleswig-Holstein, schools reported their caseloads by e-mail in a PDF form. Manually collating this data took a lot of time and made it difficult to respond quickly. 

The Ministry of Education, Science and Culture in Kiel is therefore the first Ministry of Education in Germany to take a completely digital approach: with the help of Polyteia's data platform, impairments to school operations and infection events such as confirmed Corona cases, quarantine or distance learning have been digitally recorded, aggregated and visualized on a daily basis since December 2020. 

The more than 700 schools in Schleswig-Holstein conveniently enter their data on current infection incidence in a web application. The data collected in this way is then linked with the state's school statistics to create a digital situation report. In a compact dashboard, the Minister of Education and her crisis team then obtain a quick overview of the situation with key figures, diagrams and tables. The Ministry of Education is also making the dashboard available to the public with immediate effect in order to provide media representatives and citizens with transparent information about the situation.

"An up-to-date and reliable database is essential for our crisis management during the pandemic," emphasizes Minister Karin Prien. This is not just a matter of collecting pure infection data, such as that received by the health authorities. Rather, school supervisors must be able to react if the maintenance of school operations is endangered by local outbreak events. "With Polyteia's data platform, we now have the necessary digital tool for data-based management of measures at our fingertips, which relieves the burden on both the schools and our employees in the ministry." The development process was very agile and the application was ready for use and rolled out to all schools within a few weeks.

"As part of this innovation partnership with the state of Schleswig-Holstein, we have created a reference solution for Corona crisis management in the education system that can be scaled to all German states," adds Polyteia CEO Faruk Tuncer.

The dashboard can be accessed via the following direct link from any web browser:

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