ATLAS: Development of an open source system for data trusteeship.
↳Innovative solutions for secure and data protection-compliant storage and analysis for municipalities.
Data-driven decision-making in municipalities is often limited by the fact that data cannot be merged or analyzed due to its sensitivity. The research consortium consisting of the partners SINE Foundation, Hasso Plattner Institut, TU Dresden, KIProtect, Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar and Polyteia aims to develop technologies that enable the analysis of personal data without compromising its protection. The ATLAS project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research for three years (until the end of 2025).
Project goal.
The aim of the research project is to develop an open source system that combines various tools for the secure and privacy-friendly storage and analysis of personal data.
In order to create a solution that is as practical as possible, we pursue a use case-driven approach. This means that the requirements for data connection and analysis are derived together with partners from the local authorities. The starting point for the technical basis is the so-called ScrambleDB protocol, which uses cryptographic keys to protect data without reducing its quality. In order to ensure legally compliant data use, the researchers use specially developed metrics to determine potential legal risks when merging the data. The project team uses privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) for this purpose.
- Cryspen: Specifying Oblivious Pseudonymization
- Cryspen: ScrambleDB Interactive Demo
- Cryspen: ATLAS repository
- Cryspen: ScrambleDB specification documentation
- Lehmann, A., Özbay, C.: Multi-Signatures for Ad-hoc and Privacy-Preserving Group Signing. Public-Key Cryptography (PKC). pp. 196–228 (2024).
- Galal, T., Lehmann, A.: Privacy-Preserving Outsourced Certificate Validation. Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS). pp. 322–340 (2023).
- Mouchet, C., Chatel, S., Pyrgelis, A., Troncoso, C.: Helium: Scalable MPC among Lightweight Participants and under Churn. ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS). To Appear (2024).
Polyteia supports over 100 municipalities, state and federal authorities to make better decisions with a secure and sovereign software as a service data platform. The platform enables the automated integration, transformation and visualization of data from public administration source systems.
SINE Foundation
The SINE Foundation designs foundations for sustainable data collaboration in complex multi-stakeholder situations. SINE develops ready-to-use governance tools, open source software and open standards that are used worldwide.
The chair "Cybersecurity - Identity Management" at HPI deals with the development and analysis of cryptographic protocols with provable security properties. As part of the ATLAS project, new protocols for privacy-friendly analysis methods are being developed.
TU Dresden
The Chair of Privacy & Security at the Technical University of Dresden conducts research into network and IT security, data analysis and privacy-enhancing technologies. In the ATLAS project, its contribution lies in the analysis and minimization of data protection risks.
KIProtect develops software solutions that help to process sensitive and personal data in a secure, legally compliant and privacy-friendly manner.
The Rhine-Neckar Region Association is responsible for cross-border regional planning and spatial planning in the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region. Its role in the ATLAS project is to analyze requirements and provide participating municipalities with practical use cases.

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